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Line Cards

Panelboard interior, NQ, main lugs, 100A, Cu bus, 18 pole spaces, 1 phase, 3 wire, 240VAC, 48VDC

Category Panel Boards
275901 275901
275901 275901
275901 275901
275901 275901

Panelboard interior, NQ, main lugs, 100A, Cu bus, 18 pole spaces, 1 phase, 3 wire, 240VAC, 48VDC

Item Code: 275901
Category Panel Boards
Catalog Number NQ18L1C

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This Schneider Electric OsiSense electronic pressure switch has a 4 digit 7-segment display, hysteresis switching mode. It has a pressure rating of -1 bar. It has a supply voltage of 24Vdc and 2 x solid state outputs (pnp). 0High accuracy for more stable control on your critical processes. Simple reading of current value and threshold with clear LED display. 10 million cycles mechanical durability for minimum required maintenance on your pressurized fluid circuits.
  • Brand : Schneider Electric
  • Category : Panel Boards
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Panelboard interior, NQ, main lugs, 100A, Cu bus, 18 pole spaces, 1 phase, 3 wire, 240VAC, 48VDC

Category Panel Boards
275901 275901
275901 275901
275901 275901
275901 275901

Panelboard interior, NQ, main lugs, 100A, Cu bus, 18 pole spaces, 1 phase, 3 wire, 240VAC, 48VDC

Item Code: 275901
Category Panel Boards
Catalog Number NQ18L1C

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This Schneider Electric OsiSense electronic pressure switch has a 4 digit 7-segment display, hysteresis switching mode. It has a pressure rating of -1 bar. It has a supply voltage of 24Vdc and 2 x solid state outputs (pnp). 0High accuracy for more stable control on your critical processes. Simple reading of current value and threshold with clear LED display. 10 million cycles mechanical durability for minimum required maintenance on your pressurized fluid circuits.
  • Brand : Schneider Electric
  • Category : Panel Boards
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